It's that time again.... Time for another FITNESS CHALLENGE!
These challenges are a great way to push yourself to its limits in a quick, fun, safe way. "If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you", right?! Here are the details for this particular Fitness Challenge:
- Start Date: the week of August 13th.
- Duration: 6 weeks. Each week will have a new challenge.
- Spots available: 24 members
- Cost: $25.
This is a co-ed partner event and a team event.
You may sign up with a teammate, or you may sign up individually. We will pair up those who sign up individually. You won't need to do the challenges with your partner ever. They can all be done on your own time when you're already in the gym. We will combine the partner's results to create a score each week.
Each partner will also be assigned to a Trainer Duo. This will be your team. At the end of the week, every partner's scores will be added up with the trainers' scores to create a TEAM SCORE. (For instance, Clients John & Jill might be on Trainers' Christine and James' team with two other partners. Everyone's scores will be combined to obtain a team score.)
There will be a team prize plus a partner prize. The team prize will be a night on the town in one of Boise's Pedals and Pints, and the partner prize will be bragging rights plus something else awesome, which has yet to be determined. ;)
Here are the challenges for each week (not necessarily in order). They are totally doable!!!
- Medicine Ball Slams - How many can you do in a minute?
- Bar Hang - How long can you hang on a bar?
- SkiErg - How long does it take you to reach 50 cal on the SkiErg?
- Log flips - 3 attempts to flip a log as far as you can
- Row - How long does it take you to row to 500m?
- Weighted Plank - How long can you hold a plank with weight (25lbs ladies/45lbs men) on your upper back??
Again, spots are limited.... Sign-up today with your trainer!