Body Comps: The Pros & Cons

Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Body Comps: The Pros & Cons

Have you ever wondered what body composition tests are, and why they play a role in our services at Body Basics? Body composition tests are assessments that measure the proportion of fat, muscle, bone, and water in the human body. They can provide valuable information about an individual's health and fitness levels while also helping us track progress. More specifically, this is what our scale looks at:

  • Body Weight: Total weight (lbs) of the body.
  • Body Fat Percentage: The percentage of fat in the body compared to total body weight.
  • Muscle Mass: The total weight of muscle in the body.
  • Bone Mass: An estimate of the weight of bone in the body.
  • Water Percentage: The percentage of the body that is made up of water.
  • Visceral Fat Level: A measure of fat surrounding the organs in the abdominal cavity.
  • Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): An estimate of the number of calories the body needs at rest to maintain essential functions.

There are pros and cons to using a body composition scale. The pros are being able to see numbers change for the better when you are experiencing weight loss and muscle gain. It is a big motivating factor for many of our clients who are driven by results. They can also help us set more realistic goals based on our body fat percentage, muscle mass, and overall composition.

As for the cons of body composition testing… Different body composition testing methods can yield varying results, leading to inconsistencies in measurements. Factors like hydration levels, time of day, and recent meals can also impact test accuracy. There is a lack of standardization across different body composition testing methods, which can make it challenging to compare results from different tests or facilities. Additionally, for some individuals, an excessive focus on body composition numbers can lead to negative body image issues and an unhealthy preoccupation with weight and appearance.

When assessing unexpected results, numerous factors may come into play, including diet, stress levels, genetics, etc. That being said, the scale doesn’t capture the positive impact that exercise has on the body beyond what is reflected in numbers. Regular exercise can boost energy levels, improve sleep quality, enhance immune function, strengthen bones and muscles, relieve stress, increase mobility and stability, and much more. If you find that your scale hasn’t moved in the direction you desire, remember that incorporating exercise into your routine can lead to holistic improvements in your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

By developing a consistent routine and focusing on aspects you can control, you will likely start to see more positive results long term with or without a scale. Body composition testing is an optional amenity that we offer and do not require from any of our clients unless requested. Lastly, don’t be afraid to seek advice from your trainer, they are here to help you on your fitness journey every step of the way!

By Danika Tomazich

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