Hello, Body Basics family! Let me introduce myself. My name is James Kling and as you may have heard, my wife, Christine, and I, will be the new owners of Body Basics starting this May. We met Corey and Miki a few months back and have been on a fantastic journey with them as they move into the next phase of their life and as we transition into owning and running Body Basics. They built a fantastic personal training studio over the past 20 years, and we’re extremely honored to have the opportunity to take it into the future. I wanted to take a minute to just share our hearts and vision for the business and to let you know what you can expect from us in the future.
About Us
A little background on Christine and me….. I grew up in Idaho and have always considered it home. After I graduated from high school, I spent about 4 years working and going to school in Europe. I then moved to Dallas, Texas graduating from Dallas Baptist University Magna Cum Laude with a BAS in Philosophy. I know what you’re thinking! Philosophy???? How does that relate to personal fitness? Well, without a holistic perspective on life, fitness is simply exhausting and a silly notion. It isn’t just about the body, but about mind, body and spirit.
Fitness has always been a huge part of my life starting at a young age. I’ve trained people in Amsterdam, Dallas, Turkey, Greece and many other places. Recently, I’ve been seriously involved in mountain bike racing. I took 3rd place in the Texas Mountain Bike Associations (TMBRA) state championship cross country series CAT 2 in 2014, 3rd place in the Dallas Off-Road Bicycle Associations (DORBA) cross country series CAT 2 in 2014. I look forward to working my way into CAT 1 and continuing to race in Idaho.
Health and fitness has always been a passion of Christine’s. In Mississippi, where she was born and raised, she played basketball, tennis and had a love for dance. She also began instructing aerobics and personal training at the age of 17. In addition to being certified in personal training, she is certified in Group Exercise and has worked at several fitness studios and organizations teaching a variety of classes including youth fitness and senior fitness. Recently, she has experienced the healing benefits of diet and exercise in response to an auto immune disorder (Hashimotos) and is excited to work alongside others with similar challenges.
Christine and I met in Dallas at school and got married in 2004. We have two wonderful children, Ethan (8 years old) and Juliette (6 years old), who love fitness as much as we do. There’s a free shake waiting for the person that can do a plank longer than either of them!
The Future of Body Basics
During our recent visit to Boise we fell even more in love with Body Basics. Our favorite things about the studio are the clients and the community! It’s not just another gym or a place where you can work out or get personal training, it’s a home! Everyone is known by name and cared for like family. Another thing that impressed us was the quality of the training programs and what Body Basics is doing for each individual person. It’s no doubt a big part of why you are here.
As we’ve thought about this transition, Christine and I have tried to put ourselves in your shoes. We’ve asked ourselves, “If we were clients of Body Basics, how would we view this transition?” The answer we came up with was, “with uncertainty and skepticism”. Am I right? You didn’t just choose Body Basics, but you chose Corey and Miki. How can anyone replace them? What will happen to Body Basics? Will it change? Will we get the same level of service? These are all questions we would ask if we were in your shoes...
Christine and I are both certified personal trainers who care for people and have the same heart that Corey and Miki have. They wouldn’t have chosen to let us to care for the fitness studio and wonderful people they love if they didn’t trust and believe we will take care of you in the same manner they have all these years. There will definitely be a hole here when they leave! There’s no doubt about that, but you can trust that we will be here for you, to care for you, to push you, to train you and to serve you just as they have.
Our mission is simple. It’s to be stewards of Body Basics and to continue providing exceptional personal training, nutrition coaching, remote personal training and advice to all of our clients. This is still YOUR home and YOUR fitness studio. We are here to serve you and help you develop and accomplish your fitness goals for your life.
Here’s what you can expect in the upcoming months:
What you can expect NOT to Change
- The same great Body Basics that exists today!
- The location
- The training programs and format
- A clean fitness center!
- The same great clients!
- The strong work ethic and integrity of each Body Basics personal trainer. (Don’t worry! We value Leah and Joy as much as you do, and they will both continue to be part of the future of Body Basics.)
What you CAN expect to change in the near future
- Interior updates including paint and replacing the tile flooring (Please look for color pallets in the gym starting in May and help us chose energetic colors for the space. We value your input!)
- Our faces! (coming in May, 2015)
- More variety of shakes and nutrition (We’ve already received some feedback from clients, and if there is something specific YOU wish we offered, please let us know.)
- Better exterior signage
- Remodel of the lounge area near the front door entrance (We’re working on some ideas to repurpose this space and make it more useful to our clients.)
Below is our contact information. Please feel free to send us your thoughts on some of the items mentioned above, or just drop us a note to say hi! We can’t wait to start working with you next month.
James Kling
Christine Kling