Protein: Why Do We Need It?

Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Protein: Why Do We Need It?

The Importance of Protein and Its Benefits

Proteins are large, complex molecules that play critical roles throughout the body. In fact, every cell in the human body contains protein. In order for your body to repair cells and produce more cells, protein is required and is especially crucial for children, teens, and pregnant women.

Protein in the foods we eat is broken down into parts known as amino acids. Though our bodies already produce amino acids, we require other essential amino acids found in protein-dense foods. We even have what are known as conditional amino acids, which we use in times of illness and stress.

The advantages of incorporating an adequate amount of protein into your diet are numerous. To name a few, protein promotes muscle growth, aids in weight loss, enhances bone health, supports post-exercise recovery, stabilizes blood sugar levels, reduces hunger, boosts the immune system, and aids in hormone regulation. What’s not to love??

Sources of Protein

Good sources of protein in our diet are primarily derived from meats, fish, and eggs. Plant-based sources like beans, legumes, grains, and other foods also provide protein. While protein is available in various forms, opting for cleaner and more natural sources is ideal for optimal health benefits.

Another good source of protein is through protein powder. There are many options for protein powders on the market that serve as great sources post-workout; however, it is important to be aware that some of these products contain additives that may not be as good for your health. Some of these ingredients include but are not limited to artificial sweeteners (like sucralose), fillers, and soy.

Determining Your Ideal Portion Sizes

It's important to consider that individual portion sizes for protein and other food groups can vary based on various factors. A good starting point is to refer to our article on protein shakes, which provides a formula for calculating the ideal amount of protein you could consume daily.

When making the decision to transform your lifestyle and dietary habits, remember that the path to better eating is not always straightforward. Even small changes can have a significant impact on your life, and we are here to help guide you through it!

Protein brands we love

Contact James or Christine at Body Basics for more information or to schedule a 1-on-1 health coaching session.

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