Boy! What a week! So far it’s been quite the ride… my eBay account was hacked and my identity stolen; I cleaned a huge, disgusting spill in our fridge (sparing you the details); my tax deadline for myself was this past Wednesday—all documents found, completed, and turned in to our CPA; my free time in the evening has been spent completing an online CPR course because the certification is Friday; with Valentines being this weekend, shopping and planning for it needed to be done as well; not to mention all the normal, everyday things… running a business with James, personal training clients, teaching group exercise classes, managing all accounts payable and receivable, HOMESCHOOLING my daughter, and somewhere in there time was (is) made for laundry, cleaning, meal planning, grocery shopping, cooking, hanging out with the fam, and more exercising… (I thank God for a helpful companion—a.k.a. James!)
I realize all of these “to-dos” are things happening in my own world. All of you have your own busy schedules and crazy events happening as well. Other stressors can come, of course, from actual world events such as… maybe… a pandemic! I won’t even begin to mention all the other national/world events that have the potential to weigh heavy on our brains!
My point… stress is real (as you know)! Stress can indeed be very toxic, and it could easily be the thing keeping you from reaching your health or fitness goals.
Now, all of the events, circumstances, and daily duties aren’t going anywhere (unless you’re one of those that needs to say “no” more often). There will always be stressors. That won’t change. What can change is our perspective and how we manage ourselves and our body.
Stress Management is an ART; that’s for sure! It will be our focus during this next week—Week #6!
Listed below are healthy ways to help your body manage tension as stressors come and go throughout your day. The goal is to try and add just ONE daily.
Connect with your inner child again. Play an instrument, shoot some hoops, play a board game, ride your bike, play solitaire with actual cards, swing on a swing, paint, dance, build something… Find something playful to do (that you find enjoyable) and de-stress!
Pray, meditate, or try a breathing technique such as breathing in for 5, breathing out for 5 with one hand on your chest and the other on your belly. Another form of meditation is journaling or yoga. This can be a great way to release your thoughts and concerns. As you pray, think, or journal, try thinking of things you are grateful for. Changing your attitude to a form of gratitude does wonders for our perspective and can even open new doors of possibilities.
Get into nature. If you’re like Andy or James, plunge into the cold Boise River. Go for a walk. Observe the clouds, squirrels, or birds. Let the grass tickle your feet. You can also bring nature into your home. Diffuse essential oils or light a natural candle.
We need affection and the ability to share emotions with others. Cuddle up with your pet. Embrace your spouse or children. Call up a friend. Laugh! Make sure you’re day isn’t just filled with drama. Bring in some light and laughter by reading a good book or listening to a great comedian.
Time Management
Make a list of the to-dos that are lingering around in your brain. Order them in accordance to their priority, and do it! Avoid procrastination whenever possible!
I know this blog is getting long, but I wanted to share with you how our trainers enjoy managing their stress…
- Casey: Doing flow yoga or going for a walk
- Joy: Going for a walk, playing with my cats, reading a good book, watching a good show, and FISHING!
- Leah: Hanging with friends, journaling/praying, exercise, going outside (if it’s above 70 deg)
- Andy: Deadlifting always works!
- Melissa: Writing in my planner and taking my dog paddle boarding in the summer
- Robyann: Meditating, hard workout, buying skincare, and journaling
- James: Working out, a walk or run, and fail videos!!
- Katie: Crying does the trick most of the time; then violent workouts, followed by lots of laughter.
- Christine: Reading/research, yoga or dancing, and hiking with James
Have fun this week, and keep on exercising, hydrating, choosing natural sugars, and eating those proteins/veggies!
Christine Kling