Functional movement focuses on movement patterns that are essential for day-to-day activities. Some of these patterns can include squatting down to pick something up, lifting heavy equipment at a job site, reaching for a glass in a cupboard, or getting up from a chair. In more unique cases, it can involve training for ski season, lifting grandchildren, or traveling where a lot of walking is expected. Functional movement training can vary from person to person based on their lifestyle, ultimately aiming to improve one’s ability to perform these tasks safely and efficiently. Furthermore, functional movement promotes balance, coordination, posture, and core strength—benefits that apply to individuals of all ages.
Our team of skilled trainers work closely with clients to identify movement deficits by examining their injury history and conducting a functional movement screen. Through this assessment, trainers will evaluate mobility, stability, and body awareness, all of which are crucial for providing effective support in their experience with us in the gym. Ultimately, it is designed to help our trainers understand their clients' movement patterns, enabling them to create personalized programs that are tailored to their goals.
For some people, fitness goals may be limited to wanting to be consistent in the gym and lose weight; therefore, why is this necessary for those who have no injury history or aren’t aiming for sport-specific training? Functional movement is not only a way of correcting movement patterns from past injuries, but also a preventative measure in preventing future injuries that stem from movement limitations. In addressing these deficits, we are helping our clients move well to help support their lifestyle, in whatever way that is relevant to them.
While we want to help you accomplish your goals, we also want to avoid injury in the process. Our bodies are complex and vary in their functional movement capacities, which is why we aim to address any potential limitations that could lead to future issues. Though we cannot promise to correct each and every limitation, our team of experienced trainers will work to accommodate our clients by using their knowledge to help them move better and by supporting them every step of the way.
Incorporating functional movement into your fitness routine can lead to immense improvements in your overall quality of life. No matter your lifestyle, we want to help in any way we can to improve your movement capacity and in turn, help you reach your goals in the process!
Danika Tomazich
Personal Trainer