The last week of March 2020 was a traumatic time for many of us business owners. It was the time when our doors closed per the government’s orders due to the COVID-19 virus at hand.
“True colors are seen within a man during times of trials and struggles.”
Yes, our studio’s doors were closed but our trainers’ abilities and skills were put to the test! This was their time to shine and prove themselves. It was their time to show to us and their clients just how they can adapt to change.
It was also our time as personal trainers to show to our clients just how much we care for their health and wellness; therefore, instead of putting our training on hold, we revamped our model and our services and switched to remote training the day after we closed our doors!
Now, in order for us to be able to do this effectively and swiftly, we had to have a team of employees we trusted. Thankfully, our team not only met our expectations; they surpassed them… We heard zero complaints from them. They listened quickly, learned intently, and implemented our new remote training services happily.
This may sound like an easy task, but let me explain what this transitioned meant for the trainers:
Most clients have little to no equipment in their home; therefore, most clients’ entire programs needed to be re-written. It takes a trainer around 30 min to an hour to write one program for a client, and each trainer has many clients. These programs were modified quickly and successfully!!
We have found the silver lining in this pandemic… We now are able to offer a solid service—remote personal training! Our trainers are now experienced with training a client wherever they are (whether that be at their cabin on vacation or in the small space of their living room) with barely any equipment (or none at all) while giving them a fantastic workout! Our clients who have experienced remote training have only said positive things! Most of them have also not gained any “quarantine” weight—some have even lost weight! Most importantly their immune systems were continually being strengthened instead of weakened by lack of exercise.
Here are a few of our clients’ testimonies:
“I have loved online training through Body Basics. During this time of uncertainty and changing schedules, having the ability to continue to exercise has kept my mind and body clear and focused and gave a sense of some normalcy. Now I love having the choice of online training if I cannot make the drive to the gym. A big thanks to my trainer and Body Basics for providing a way to keep us on track and healthy!” -Cheryl
“Virtual training with Andy & the Body Basics team has been one of our greatest gifts through an unprecedented 2020 calendar year. When the COVID crisis hit our community so unexpectedly, our lives, routines and comforts were all abruptly interrupted. Body Basics would quickly rise to the occasion, immediately restructuring their personal training services menu to allow for a fun, flexible and productive virtual option. Our expectations have been wildly exceeded, and we highly recommend virtual training to anyone seeking a wonderful & safe coaching experience during this unfortunate time. Thank you, Andy, and Team Body Basics for everything you do!” -Sam and Pari
As business owners we are so thankful for our employees. We know we have not only the best personal trainers around, but we also are privileged to have individuals with professionalism, great character, kindness, and a superb work ethic! Thank you, our Body Basics team!
If you or someone you know are interested in remote training as a way to stay in shape or get back in shape, we now have two options available to you: Real-Time Virtual Training or Anytime Online Training. For more information, follow this link.
Stay healthy and safe! Blessings to you.