Trainer Development Program

What is it?

The Trainer Development Program (TDP) is a 3 month program designed to give new personal trainers experience personal training real clients while receiving coaching from an experienced professional in the industry. The participant will receive an introduction into functional movement training with exposure to assessing movement patterns, programing corrective exercises, and programming resistance training appropriate for the clients movement competency and goals. They will have the opportunity to work hands-on with several general population (Gen Pop) clients of varying abilities, ages, and demographics.

The 3 month program is broken down into 14-17 weeks:

  • First 2-4 weeks: receive coaching on Body Basics functional movement training philosophy, learn how to assess your clients movement patterns, and how to structure a quality training program that matches your clients ability, goals and needs.
  • 9-13 weeks of personal training your clients (with oversight from a Body Basics trainer)
  • Last 1 week will have 1 day of group debrief, and 1 day of testing. Testing includes a written and practical exam. The practical will give each participant the opportunity to present a program they completed with a client, what they observed in the clients movement, what they chose to improve, how they programed resistance training appropriate for their ability and goals. The written exam will simply be a 20+ question test based on the content taught over the TDP. The test is only for the edification of the participant and has no relevance to a school GPA. Passing the the practical and written test will result in the participant getting Body Basics in house TDP certificate of completion. While this is not a credited certification it demonstrates to any employer a level of competency and experience above your competition in the market place.

Who is this good for?

The TDP is perfect for a newly certified trainer that just passed their CPT or CSCS but doesn’t have any experience training clients in a studio setting, especially if they are seeking to get a job as a trainer. It’s also perfect for collegiate students currently studying Kinesiology seeking to become personal trainers who are in their junior or senior year, but who don’t yet have experience practically training clients. Though it is not exclusively designed as such, this program fulfills the requirements of a BSU internship for kinesiology students.

Who qualifies?

A participant must have 1 of the following 2 criteria.

  • Current CPT or CSCS
  • Completed 2 years of kinesiology education

Dates and deadlines

Selection Dates

  • Fall 2024 – applications due by July 15th, applicants selected by July 31st
  • Spring 2025 – Applications due by December 6th. Applicants selected by December 20th
  • Summer 2025 – Applications due by April 4th. Applicants selected by April 18th

Program Dates

  • Fall 2024 – August 19th – December 13th
  • Spring 2025 – January 13th – May 9th
  • Summer 2025 – May 12th – August 15th

What to expect

How many weeks

14-17 weeks to correlate with BSU semesters

How many days / hours a week?

Approximately 7 – 10 hours a week.

  • 2-4 hours of programing and instruction with instructor at Body Basics
  • 2-6 hours of training per week at Body Basics
  • 3-6 hours of programing (location of the participants choice)

Working with 1-4 Gen Pop

Most clients train 1-2 times per week. The goal is to get a participant 4-6 hours of training per week.

Each participant will be responsible to arrange training hours with their clients and coach. Additionally, they will need to program for each client on their own time either at the studio or at their own place.


Fill out the form below to submit your application to become a Body Basics personal trainer.